How Does Your Brand Make People Feel?
A brand is as successful as its ability to trigger a ‘feeling’ on its customer’s heart. A brand, which is associated with a unique concept is more likely to be remembered, loved, and purchased. This is possible with the right brand strategy, good design and consistent marketing.

Three Questions Every Brand Should Answer
Most people think that a brand is just a logo. But a brand is not a logo, and branding is not design. So, if a brand is not a logo, then what is it? When we analyze potent brands, we realize that they succinctly answer three fundamental questions.

Why Would I Buy Your Product and Not The One Next To It?

How Much Does Branding Cost?
A brand is all about the ‘feeling’ it creates on people’s minds. That feeling is built with the help of strategy and design. A perfectly crafted strategy may not work if paired with wrong design. Gorgeous design, on the other hand, may fail with the lack of a strong brand strategy. Therefore, you need to have both. But how?