Commercial Fire Protection
CFP is a company that installs, maintains, and inspects fire-safety related equipment. Thanks to its proprietary technology and always on-call, solution-oriented staff, the firm manages all fire-safety instruments on behalf of property managers.
Our Approach
While CFP grew significantly since its inception, the firm was struggling to communicate what made it different and better. And that’s where we came in.
We found out that, in the rather faceless, mechanic and archaic fire-safety industry, CFP is the only company with a heartbeat. True to the David vs. Goliath narrative, CFP fights against industry giants by using its ability to nurture a human touch and build real long-term connections as a shield to protect is clients. Thanks to its authentic personality, passionate dedication to the customer, can-do spirit, and progressive mindset, CFP proves that it' is a different breed. A much different one.
Revealing the new CFP logo
Embarking On A Journey
To be able to convey CFP’s onliness, first, we needed to process that required a high-level of involvement and open dialogue. So we positioned the strategy process as a journey. A journey, on which all the key stakeholders of CFP embarked to plan their future.
By using the Appreciative Inquiry methodology, we focused on what needed to be appreciated instead of what needed to be fixed. Through interviews, collectively, we dreamed what CFP might become. And we conducted workshops to determine what this firm should and will become.
We used the strategy process to discover the purpose, the values, and the story of CFP.
Having answered fundamental questions such as; ‘Who is CFP, whom does it serve, what does it offer, how is it different, and why does it exist?’, we moved into the next phase of the project, designing the new brand identity of the CFP.
An innovative brand is the one that refreshes itself all the time. It reveals new services, improves the work environment, and changes the way it looks when needed. As a truly innovative brand, CFP needed to refresh its 20-year-old visual identity.
Upon agreeing on the brief, we kicked off the design process, and created countless number of materials that changed the entire CFP experience the customers have.
Time To Stand Out
Finally, we expressed authentic identity of the brand in the digital world. We created a website, which captured the essence, values, and the promise of the brand. The approachable aura it conveyed helped CFP differentiate from the competition.
We created an intranet portal and called it the CFP Academy. We mapped out the content, built the infrastructure, and designed the interface of the new intranet. Finally, we created a two-minute animation that told the story of the brand, which also conveyed its unique promise and personality.
Digital Storytelling
“Ozan is a phenomenal designer and has been instrumental in shaping our brand for several years. He aligns with us so tightly, he feels part of the team. We wouldn’t know what to do without him. Everything he delivers is gold.”
DAVE EDWARDS CEO / Commercial Fire Protection